This is how it goesThis stock has tight shares. So if you are holding anything over 5,000 shares than there is no point selling it on the upswing, as buying those shares back at a low price will be very difficult. While it is tempting to take a profit, the hard lesson is "never sell your winners on the upswing". Because it is the winners that will give you the most profit in the LONG stretch. I can understand that the share price rose above 3.40 today and closed at 3.12 but day to day up and down price volatility evens out in the long run. No one can time the market perfectly, day trading your winners is a bad idea. I have been guilty of this Strategy in the past. So now I hold, it takes an iron clad stomach to do so, but if you see the fundamentals of Shawcor, it is hard to ignore the fact that this is a very rewarding stock. Low share float, half billion in backlog, no dilution, diversified portfolio. Green shoots are just starting to appear. Hold on, sit back and enjoy the ride to $10 and beyond.