Stockhouse. For all intents and purposes is a quiet little..corner of the Internet. A lovely little community dedicated to the people that buy & sell stock. Or in Rad10's case, aspire to defend his hysterically failed "overlooking the water" post with hopes of gaining stockhouse membership approval. A regular day here at Stockhouse usually consists of stock swapping info, and the occasional good-hearted banter regarding a particular stock.
But, just like any other quiet rural town, every once in a while a shiitzz-storm hits our beloved Stockhouse (bright-n-early in rad's case) and causes the sewer dwelling Rad10 to crawl out from under his rock for the frequent chance to boast shamelessly about his imaginary material items. Hoping to oppress against the educated members that have shown themselves to be accurate with facts when posting on behalf of him.
No sooner does the scud-raid siren start blaring it's "Post-it!" "Post-it!" wail, then Rad10 buzzards starts circling. Within minutes of touch-down, his unsubstantiated shiitzz-storm is intensified by the addition of the Myfistyourbutt opportunistic lesser-known looking to improve his self-image even further, by raining down comical jib-jabber with aspirations of defending his bogus "fake news" Aleafia claims. Those that lack bank, balls, brains and cry wolf seem to try and gain strength without the required numbers. A veritable Rad10 army of disavowed misfits nonetheless.
Unfortunately for some, and for the benefit of most, Stockhouse does not proudly display any statues of Liberty on the outskirts of town. "Bring us your weak, your poor, your misinformed , your illiterate" is not the Stockhouse motto. If, in fact, there ever was a sign to be raised on the outskirts of town welcoming newcomers, it would most likely read something more along the lines of: Bring it. But be prepared to have it crumpled up and rammed down your throat like Rad10 trading fellatio in exchange for a twisted and contorted Aleafia Stockhouse post or a place to live.
Inevitably, drawn by his own self-enduced hypnotizing swirl of storm clouds that hover over the violent suburb of "Stockhouse", Rad10 and Myfistyourbutt will continue to bring nothing more than unsubstantiated low quality posts, thus lowering the grammatical curve to levels almost below that of the New York Zoological Institute.
Eventually the storm subsides, and Rad10 the homeless will go back to his hapless life building pre-fab Lego lake dream homes, or dodging cones on a tricycle. Happy to have had his day in the sun, patiently awaiting the next opportunity to flex his slack jawed inabilities defending his disingenuous trickster comments towards Aleafia and it's shareholders.
Tomorrow is another day in Stockhouse paradise ladies and gents. So..don't concern yourselves with Rad's disappearance. He's probably on all fours spasmodically dry heaving into a trashcan like an antifreeze poisoned poodle looking online for random lakeview pics.