ANY CONNECTION ?I remember MGX speaking of the Magnolia plant in,
South Arkansas,Lanxess.
Then, i came across this gem...
MGX Minerals Inc. has formed PetroLithium Corp. to enter the mineral, oil and environmental markets in the United States.
MGX - Magnolia Arkansas -
So, my question is...
What are the similarities between - Standards extraction with, Purelucids extraction ?
Does MGX still have these smackover formation claims in, Arkansas with, Lanxess ?
Standard struts - 3.1 million tonnes of LCE and i tihnk there's also, Bromine.
Standard = Arkansas, Magnolia.
Then there's E3 Metals...
They use terms like, petrolithium...
Extraction inception - seems to have a mystrery wrapped around it...
If anyone can find the extraction - inception intel - by all means do share.
Could this E3 extraction be similar or same as, Purelucids ?
And well... E3 Metals speaks of same olbrine claims as, once did MGX.
Minus - 355,000 hectars fro mMGX's portfolio.
Does E3 now have these lands ?
Where does my own spidey sense compass - point to ?
= Petrolithium Corp.
= MGX'S stateside Corp
Is...this entitiy ( PETROLITHIUM CORP ) by MGX...
still operating in the, background, and have any relations to, E3 and Standard ?
Just asking...
Is... there any chance at all ?
Petrolithium Corp, also subdivided into 2 sub companies ?
E3 + Standard ?
Lots would make sense it MGX did so...
And...It would be too good to be, true... lol
But.. .not holding my breathe.
Noone get thier panties in a knot.
I'm simply tryting - to make sense of things..