$1.00 Call option - open interest - WOW!This numbers are before Fridays trading, which was huge, so likely much higher now
Dec $1.00 29,700 contracts 2,970,000 shares
Jan $1.00 38,974 contracts 3,879,400 shares
Apr $1.00 41,388 contracts 4,138,800 shares
Jul $1.00 27,809 contracts 2,780,900 shares
Contracts for 13,767,000 shares outstanding - and more after Friday ..... all these people are in there buying the stock because they want to make a fortune on their options. Likely over 15-17 million shares now ... and this doesn' include the $2.00 options ... and 2.4m shares under option all looking for $2.00!
I expect explosive action like we have never seen, likely a 1 Billion Share day is coming either Monday or Tuesday ... surpasing the 2, 750 million days that we had November 6th and 9th.
The most interesting thing in all of this .... is the millions of people watching CNBC all over the world pre-market and post-market watching the ticker tape go buy and what do they see?
"Sundial Growers" over and over again. Its the best investor relations money can buy.