RE:Ceapro % OwnershipAll,
The purpose for gathering the Ceapro % ownership of re posters on this board is for information purposes only, there is no intention to start to make any demands on the company. There is no reason to do so.
The question with regards to the lack of communication will definitely be brought up and the reasoning behind it.
The % ownership that posts on this board is very important and I suspect that the company was / is unaware of how large the number actually is, that is, until the get this update.
Regarding any activism or board opportunity, that is not the intention either. Being a director of any publicly traded company requires signficant expertise in a given field or sector. It also requires directorship certifications in many instances.
I do not have any expertise in this sector and thus, am not qualified to be able to advise Gilles Gagnon on anything. In moving this company forward, Gilles Gagnon needs to rely on industry experts / subjec matter experts.