RE:Refinery discussions? With the Tlicho Kiewitt JV building the Tlicho road, I am finding it hard to believe that we ( or potential partners) will let the opportunity slip by given that amount of mobilization that is existing at the Tlicho Road site, and not engage that JV to build our spur road. Further that spur road could be the start of a ASR to Gametti which could also be an infrastructure project where costs are shared by Ft and governments of Canada and NWT along with potential other resource developments in the area. It is an opportunity and to which little or nothing has been said.....yet.
I think it's the next most significant discussion / event for the planning of the project and time is running short to capitalize on that. Any major investor or take over prospect has to be looking at this possiblilty.
some recovery in Cobal prices, which is likely eminent, is probably enough to get this going. Ft is permitted and ready to jim pointed out with over 100 million invested we should be 30 cents ...put a partner on the table and the sky is the limit ..?