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E3 Lithium Ltd V.ETL

Alternate Symbol(s):  EEMMF

E3 Lithium Ltd. is a Canada-based lithium resource company. The Company is focused on commercial development of lithium extraction from brines contained in its mineral properties in Alberta. The Company’s Clearwater Project is located between Red Deer and Calgary in Alberta. Its Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) on-exchange technology uses a sorbent designed to be selective towards lithium ions. Its technology reduces volumes of low-grade brine into a high-grade lithium concentrate, removing nearly all impurities. This produces a clean product for the development of high purity lithium compounds used in Li-ion batteries. The Company has measured and indicated lithium resources in Canada, with 16.2 million tons (Mt) measured and indicated Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE), hosted in the Leduc Aquifer. In addition, it has 0.9 Mt of inferred mineral resources in its Rocky Area.

TSXV:ETL - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by MadMaxPerfon Dec 07, 2020 10:26am
Post# 32048912

RE:RE:Water handling costs ??? Waterexpert...

RE:RE:Water handling costs ??? Waterexpert...

That is only 350m3/d of water to move for E3.  That's nothing  we do 3500-4000m3/d. 

Easy as pie, and super easy to re-inject   A coupe big ole triplex pumps would do it.   Complete non issue.  Is almost say thier opex numbers are high.
 But most of the cost will probabky be H2S scavenger, which isn't terribly expensive per M3 either. 


tiger6301 wrote: This is a really good question!

I may be not correct, but try to answer this question.

In ETMC's PEA, the annual cost for the H2S pre-treantment is 19.9M$; Water Brine pumped is 128,000 Cubic meter, so it works out as:

19,900,000/128,000/365 = US$0.43
US$=1.3 Can$, so the water pre-treatment = CAN$0.55/Cubic Meter.

So you are correct, and after the H2S treatment & DLE, the water can be pumped back into ground directly without other treatment.

I am not woking in the oil field, the above is my understanding.



ratpoysen wrote: Anybody have any idea how much the water handling is gonna cost here?

Most O&G operators are paying 50 cents to $2.00 per barrel for water disposal.

Since E3 needs to produce and process and dispose about 20,000 barrels of water
for every ton of Lithium carbonate, that's gonna vast oceans of water to move about.

I'm getting about $20,000 in water handling costs for every ton of Lithium carbonate.
So, unless they can move water for nothin' - how is this thing gonna make any money?

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