RE:Aspen FormationThanks for your great post Bob, its much better to talk about facts rather than emotions !
Imo the Aspen formation is something that we can talk about in the far future. Grade is not King ! economy is King ! so what we got here at Kilgore is a nice ( not great ) set up , strip ratio ect. , and it will be easy to add more Oz by drilling the shallow oxide part of the deposit ( also quiet cheap and fast )
this will extend the mine life also by bringing in the Silver kicker, it will make the AISC even better.
As it seems that everybody agree that Kilgore is the Nr. 1 asset they should try to build up a production story there as soon as possible . Extending the deposit drill the Asoen formation and explor the area , wich is rich on targets ( Gold Knob ect. ) can be done later. If we come closer to that point i guess EXN will be a take out target. The other storys like Oakley and more important Silver city will not bring any value in the next few years.
So it looks like we are left here with the hope of a larger drill campaign next summer at Kilgore , with results in fall or winter.