SQI Float Total Current Float ~ 310M Shares
Clive Beddoe ~ 80M = 26% Gerold Connor ~ 80M = 26%
Wilmot Matthews ~ 80M = 26%
Peter Lea ~ 2M = 1%
Other Insiders ~ 5M = 2%
= 247M shares (80%)
Next seven groups or institutions represent a total of 38M shares (12%)
Remaining Float ~ 25M, or about 8% of total shares.
Insiders represent over 80% of the float.
Top dozen Individuals & groups represent over 90% of float, or approximately 285M shares.
The company has yet to share our story with a wider audience, as doing so would immediately cause an imbalance in buyers vs sellers. The tiny fluid portion of the float would be next to impossible to acquire under a dollar. Sharing our story would also cause a sudden raise in share price, thus triggering conditions for warrant exercising. Our value is not an informed market driven price, but rather is controlled by very few. This will not persist.
We trust that the under the radar strategy will not be used against fellow share holders going forward and that all share holders will be rewarded.
There is a real story to be told....
Anyone else ready for our story to be shared?