The Mr. Freezy AwardsI am trying to get a jump on the Annual rewards for those personalities who have most contributed during 2020 to keeping things cool. Here are some of my candidates please list yours;
1) Mohammed ( I am the greatest ) Trump
Motto : bloat like a flutterby, stink like a B.
Achievement - Caused Covid to spread unchecked for most of the year resulting in the need for lockdowns every where
Future : uncertain, victim of a TKO but he promises to come back in full force in January
2) Justan "other" Trudeau.
Motto: Er! Er! Er!
Achievement : Bankrupting a country with significant O & G reserves. distracting serious investors with mindless drivel
Future : Oscar Award for best bit part in a climactic comedy!
3) Greta ( row,row,row, your boat gently down the media stream) Thunberg
Motto : KIss my Grits
Future : Puberty
4) N "Murky" Edwards
Motto: no fruit too low to be plucked.
Future : Flaming nut case Hall of Fame award for the blocking of his fans investment goals