Now you have me thinking I have to ask, and likely this will go way over your head. What are you hoping to accomplish by bullying a new investor who purchased $50,000 worth of stock a week or so ago and came here to conduct due dilligence on whether to increase his position, or sell his position for that matter? Are you telling me I am stupid for buying $50,000 worth of stock? Are you telling me I'm stupid because my friend bought the technology from the company? Are you telling me he is stupid because he bought it? Seriously, what is your motivation to be so rude and aggressive to a person who just invested in the company without knowing a bunch about it as it was a trade idea from his broker. I have to know, why? You're acting like a school yard bully and you don't like me because my lunch has a better sandwich than yours. You just don't make any sense unless you're just mad at everyone in the world.