RE:RE:RE:China to increase spending on E&P 18% per yearThanks Pandora....great find
Everyone that cares about Canada should read the Cruel and Unusual Punishment article mentioned in Pandora's post.
Here is a tidbit from the article:
So..........Our Prime Minister is pushing Canada towards bankruptcy for what? If we cut our GHG's in half immediately, it would still only offset the annual growth of China's domestic GHG. It wouldn't do anything about the 18x more GHG that China is currently spewing into the environment vs Canada.
It gets worse. China is financing 300 coal burning facilities oversees (polluting air that the Chinese people themselves don't have to breathe) in order to provide raw materials for China. The GHG produced by the dirtiest fuel on the planet won't count towards China's GHG totals.
Canadians need to take a good hard look at where Trudeau is leading Canada. This week, Trudeau called out to prepare to run as Liberals in the next election as he realizes the Canadians are asleep.
This forum is supposed to be about ENB. We can't do anything about the operations of ENB but we sure as helll can do something about giving ENB management the ability to do their job. Shutting down Trudeau's ill advised agenda is a good place to start.