ANYONE HEARING ANYTHING.Spoke with my cuz today in Edmonton. Called him from Penticton. Asked if he heard anything new from the broker he got some info from for the past year or so. Turns out he hasn't talked with him for over 2 months because he also said he was sick of the BS. Funny as well as soon as he quit talking with him AOT started moving up.
Anyway all I have heard is that some assays should be out before the end of the month. Funny it is trading like someone knows something is coming.
Also got a few inside tips on a few stocks. Bought GGD at $2.20\share and closed today at $2.66. Up a quick $9,000 bucks. A lot of the retired people here deal with a lot of companies out of Vanvouver. Next week I'm meeting with a retired couple worth over $10MM. Good friends with my old boss in Edmonton and they have good connections to the Gold\Silver companies.
Hope AOT hits $2.00 quick.