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HPQ Silicon Inc V.HPQ

Alternate Symbol(s):  HPQFF

HPQ Silicon Inc. (HPQ) is a Canada-based technology company specializing in green engineering of silica and silicon-based materials. The Company is engaged in developing, with the support of technology partners PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PyroGenesis) and Novacium SAS, new green processes to make the critical materials needed to reach net zero emissions. Its activities are centered around the three pillars: becoming a green low-cost (Capex and Opex) manufacturer of Fumed Silica using the Fumed Silica Reactor, a proprietary technology owned by HPQ being developed for HPQ by PyroGenesis; becoming a producer of silicon-based anode materials for battery applications with the assistance of Novacium SAS, and Novacium SAS is engaged in developing a low carbon, chemical base on demand and high-pressure autonomous hydrogen production system. The Company operates in a single operating segment, segment, being the sector of the transformation of quartz into silicon materials and derivative products.

TSXV:HPQ - Post by User

Comment by Casavantsghoston Jan 13, 2021 8:26pm
Post# 32291212

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:you know what's funny...

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:you know what's funny...Penny, those are your words not mine.. 

"Ideally they should buy a tesla... replace the battery with their new x3-4 silcon one... drive it around showing it works.. post it online.. Then you would see this take off."

pennymaker69 wrote:
Ya your dumb. I know they don't make battery's if you look at the last NR..Their byproduct shows 3-4x better  power for batteries. So.. they take the byproduct.. make a car battery out of it... put it into a tesla and PROVE it's better.

This is not hard. I am sorry you can't understand simple things they could do to make this stock go higher.


HPQ-Silicon files patent for silicon byproduct


2020-12-29 09:25 ET - News Release


Mr. Bernard Tourillon reports


Promising results from electrochemical performance tests made with silicon-based byproducts manufactured by HPQ-Silicon Resources Inc.'s Gen2 Purevap quartz reduction reactor (QRR) motivated the company to file a provisional patent application regarding their manufacturing, assembly and usage as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries.

The patent application follows the completion of a series of tests made on the material produced by the Gen2 Purevap QRR at the Centre Energie Materiaux Telecommunications (EMT) of the INRS by Prof. Lionel Roue under an NSERC Engage grant and a NSERC Engage plus grant.

Purevap QRR silicon byproducts -- a superior anode material than graphite

Although preliminary, the results obtained are more than promising since the silicon-based byproduct made with the Gen2 Purevap QRR maintained a gravimetric capacity equal to 1,200 mAh/g for more than 100 charge/discharge cycles, a capacity three to four times greater than that of graphite currently used in commercial lithion-ion batteries. This material is also promising in terms of high-speed performance.

"This is another demonstration of our multiprong approach to becoming a key silicon-based material provider for the battery industry and beyond. The unique capabilities of the Purevap nano silicium reactor (NSiR) will enable us to fully exploit the potential of the silicon and its byproducts manufactured by the Purevap quartz reduction reactor," said Bernard Tourillon, president and chief executive officer of HPQ-Silicon. "Silicon's potential to meet energy storage demand is undeniable, generating massive investments and serious industry interest. We are very confident that demand for the silicon materials we will produce, with our low-cost scalable processes, will be high demand by batteries and EV manufacturers in this renewable energy revolution."

About HPQ-Silicon Resources Inc.

Working with PyroGenesis Canada Inc., HPQ-Silicon is developing the Purevap quartz reduction reactor, an innovative process (patent pending) which will permit the one-step transformation of quartz into high-purity silicon at reduced costs, energy input and carbon footprint that will propagate its considerable renewable energy potential.

HPQ-Silicon believes it will become the lowest-cost (capex and opex) producer of silicon and high-purity silicon metal.

Mattboy wrote:
pennymaker69 wrote: I am sorry if you can't understand my points I made. You must be learning disabled.

As for me. Here are my long trades on HPQ.
Dec. 01, 2020
S: Dec. 03, 2020
Canadian dollars
HPQ:CDN 7,500
0.69 Canadian dollars
Negative5,179.95 Canadian dollars

T: Jul. 15, 2020
S: Jul. 17, 2020
Canadian dollars
HPQ:CDN 10,000
0.385 Canadian dollars
Negative3,854.95 Canadian dollars

Casavantsghost wrote: Pennymaker, I am more than likely going to put you on ignore but it’s still the Christmas season and  well shite, I’m still feeling a little charitable?
Your post told all of us that you do not know what you own. (If you own it at all) .

That which you do not understand HPQ is currently a company in the research and development phase should have your husband or wife on anxiety medication if you’ve bet the farm on something that’ which you don’t even know you’ve invested in. IIIIIIIIIIII mean..., mmmmmamalution brAH!!

So in relation to my statement above, hhhhhhow the frig does a company buy a Tesla to swap out a battery of which they do not manufacture? 

For entertainment purpose s only, I will tryyy to bring you along enough to tell you they want to be a supplier of silicon powders tailored to a customer’s needs in size for various applications up to and including battery anodes in replacement of graphite or a combination of the two.

They are developing what they believe is the cheapest methodology to do so.

Listen if you are a special needs individual, I deeply apologize If I came off a little harsh.

If you are in fact a sentient being and are paid to muddy up the waters, please let the board know so they can take the appropriate measur with yet another one of you cats.. 

Now I’m pisssssed at myself for wasting my time with you so you won in Somme respect.. 

It will be a dirt nap for you soon though I suspect.

pennymaker69 wrote:

Everyone upset about people that short and blame the stock going down cause of them. The ceo has wasted company time worring about short sellers.... Or profit takers that got their profit and moving on.

The best defense for a company from short sellers is PROFIT. Right now the company makes no  money. They have released 0 #'s. How much they selling their nano silcion? How much was the value of that first purchase order..

Is this 300 mil market cap justified for a company that has zero revenue? That's what short sellers jump on. People pushing the stock up that could be over valued...

Right now... I am still long. I didn't bail and holding. I have said many times I want to see #'s. Soon as they release some we can figure out what the true value of the company is. It's just speculation.

Now WHY am I long? I like tech. This is a tech play and it can go fast quickly up if it does replace EV batteries with theirs.  Ideally they should buy a tesla... replace the battery with their new x3-4 silcon one... drive it around showing it works.. post it online.. Then you would see this take off.

I am not sure if it's the next version of timminco. I sure hope not. This company needs to deliver, make a profit and the shorts will melt away. SOON as this company makes money it's going to move.




Funny you spent almost $10k buying stock in a company that you think develops batteries when this literally isn't even close to their business model. You must be a millennial with no investing sense just buying into this EV trend. The nice thing is you got lucky and actually picked a winner and should be rewarded. The bad thing is you will end up making another uninformed trade in the future and likely lose all your money since you clearly haven't been doing any DD. Good luck.

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