Fun what would it takeFun little what if question for the weekend.
no one take this serious just something to pass some time and see some answers
Seeing how we are partnered up with IB or soon to be when they convert I see their share price over 1000 so my question is what would it take for Auxly to reach same heights and how long?
My answer would be as follows: first they'd need to do a huge share buy back
They have to expand into medicine derived from cbd which I believe is allowed in stage 4 correct?
they'd have to have big market share worldwide so that would obviously take global legalization.
IB NGP would have to include cbd derived from Auxly so that be an attack on two fronts
time frame I'd peg it 20-25 yrs
again no one take this as any sort of plausibility just to pass time and see ppls answers