RE:Interesting pumping pattern on this penny stock KOSMOS T l totally agree! This project venture so far is built on 99% WORDS and no results so far! For any geologist It is easy to go into an old mine which was rich in gold hundred years ago and look around and get a piece of rock which shows promising gold content! You call this a "grab sample! There is no tonnage attached to it and therefore meaning less but the grade can be outrageiously high! The same thing you can do on a mine dump!
Only systematic sampling considering weighted averages and proper calculation of tonnages will give you results you can rely on and use for determining if an old mined out deposit will be feasible to reopen for mining! So far PROVIDENCE management has not done it and the little bit of sampling which has been done is not representative! Not even so far on there results of the dump! They published sample grades and weights of samples but overall did not calculated the weighted averages of the dump tonnage. Looking at the sample weights and grades you have one sample weighing 0.5 kg with 3gr/t Au and another sample weighing 1.5 kg with 1gr/t Au will not give you an average of 2gr/t of Au but an average of 1.5gr/t . They also left out samples with zero Au which makes it worse!
With one word giving you grab sample results and dump results they did not lie but did not really tell you the truth either! I would highly recommend to wait with investing until proper results are published or at least can be calculated right!