RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Is GameStop finally the Straw that BREAKS the Camels Back?OH yes, all these Decades, China is the 1%er of the world.....LOL.. controling everyone!
And you keep making SH$T up.... when did I say you were an American?
RagingBull3 wrote: Make up your F#$king mind.... Now it's the 1% fault.... So it's not really Democrats, or Republicans, or Democracy or Communism or China...
If it's the 1% that control everything.... then why the F@#k are you blaming Democrate or the Chinese????
Flip Floping all over the place.
I'm wasting my time with you.
mrbb wrote: you are truly immature on western culture.
you see, both democrat and republicians have been bought out by the 1% masters which include the CCP (china communism party).
the dems and repub. are just optic to fool people like you that u have choices, you don't, you have owners, they own you, they own everthing. It's a big club, and you and i ain't in it. -george carlin.
Why are assuming i'm an american??
RagingBull3 wrote: Our government can't even manage Canada well.... imagine if Canada had over a Billion People to Manage !!!
Nothing is "Free". You are not free to do what ever you want. There is NO True "FREE" market capitalism. There can never be, because it won't work, because people are Greedy, Corrupt and Full of Hate.....
If you want to be FREE..... go live in the bush by yourself and do what you want yourself as long as it does not bother anyone else...
I guess you won't understand....... You will continue to ignore an twist things around to fit your view. Continue to say Polls Manipulated...ignoring that fact that they were done by both sides, Republicans and Demorcates.
And I guess all 1% master are Democrates, none Republicans.