Class Action Lawsuit against giga metals in the process!Dear Fellow investors
Sorry for being absent for quite sometime, due to hardship I am facing because of my wife’s state of health(Crohn’s disease & surgery)
As of January 22, 2021 around 3:00 pm, I have received a call from BCSC representative. To my extreme disappointment, it seems that they don’t have enough “evidence” to prosecute Giga Metals insiders for the crime they have committed! BCSC, for some obvious reasons, they don’t seem to care about our loss nor about the hardship we are facing whereas criminals continue to get richer at the expense of innocent investors and tax payers. Under these extenuating circumstances, the only way for us to retrieve our losses is to unite as a team and conduct a Class Action Lawsuit against Giga Metals using together the same attorney I found who seems to be interested to take charge of our case. The Attorney ‘s coordinates are mentioned above( my previous comment). The more of us the better to be in a position to negotiate better terms for both parties: Us as a group and the attorney Lewis. Please let me know ASAP to initiate the process together as a group.
God bless us all in this extremely difficult time! Godspeed.
To facilitate your research, the following is the lawyer I am talking about. Keep in mind the more of us the better. Thank you!
lewis Klien
5:29 AM (12 hours ago)
to me
Unfortunately we do not work on the structure you would like.
As per our conversation, this is the process we take in order to recover stolen funds by unregulated trading companies,
1. We will first take a claim with your bank to prove to them where your money went.
2. We take a claim with the ombudsman regarding the same thing.
3. We check the companies banking funnels ie. where they sent the money normally to Belize, Cayman Islands or Switzerland.
4. We take a claim with the prepossessing company that was involved in processing your DC.
5. We take a fraud claim against company owners if needed, a lot of cases don’t need this, this normally gets you a settlement.
The fee for your case is 10% upfront, this is to pay for all the legal documents and time that’s going to go into fighting your case.
Once we have successfully recovered these funds for you and they are already back in your bank you pay us a commission of 5% on the total amount were able to recover.
I must let you know a case could take up to 6 months due to the amount of bureaucracy back and forth.
Let me know what you would like to do.
Kind Regards
Regards, Lewis W Klien
Email: Toll Free: 1-855-922-2961
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US: 17868711161
UK: 44-2039666012
AUS: 61-863654977
EXT: 19
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