Not manipulated just an energy stock Honestly most of you sound insane.
Vet is not the target of major manipulation it really just looks like a Canadian oil stock. They have 80-90k BoE/D of production, 2.1B in debt so right off the bat things are a bit spooky.
They have lost investor confidence. They didn't act quick enough with the dividend, they held on to the last moment then had to kill it.
institutional support is pretty much gone.
Here is the real issue, the price of oil is one factor, however every institutional player is very well aware that at a moment notice 10m+ of oil production can be brought online at a moments notice if there is another OPEC disagreement.
Until VET's ballance sheet is healthy enough to survive another OPEC blowout, which it is no where close to being that healthy investor support will be minimal.
All this talk about manipulation is INSANE, and the placing sell orders with a 10,15,20,50 dollar trigger isn't going to do anything. Furthermore the idea of getting the Redditors to pump this is even more crazy talk.
Fundamentally when you look at this company and the risks it faces in the event of another OPEC blowout, it really isn't worth very much.
Really when you think about it, when oil start's hitting the mid 60's do you think the OPEC players are going to just let it rise while every non OPEC player increases output, or do you think OPEC will increase production to prevent loss of market share.
I believe until there is concrete clarity around that, and the ballance sheet is drastically improved VET will lag it's integrated players.