And back to court BLGV goes. JUST POSTED....From BLGVS new February statement...
On January 8, 2021, Belgravia’s counsel provided notice to Zonetail that it would note Zonetail in default and seek a Default Judgment if Zonetail did not file a defence within 20 days. On January
28, 2021, Belgravia received the Zonetail Reply to Defence and Counterclaim and are reviewing same.
and we all know how this goes. ZONETAIL wont pay (has never paid) and BLGV throws more money into lawers and lawsuits.BLGV has sued ZONETAL for a total of over 3 MILLION BUCKS over 3 years and NEVER collected a dime,
So on February 24th, sometime thereafter BLGV will be loosing more $$$ on chasing frivilous lawsuits.