Some estimatesI haven't found any analyst coverage...if some are more successful, please share. Meanwhile I did my oen estimates for some key indicators. Photon released their Q4 and 2019 financial resutls on March16th last year, so we have a bit o ftime to play with numbers! My Q4 estimates for Revenues are 18M$ with annual estimates of 68M$. Net earnings per shares of 3 and 15 cents respectively. I would expect market to better recognize the CO's existing growth and perspective for the next couple of years and to rather apply a 30X price/earning ratio. Based on all the above, I have a target price of $4.50 for the next 12 months. Any acquisition or new major partnership annoyncement would obviously bring this target much higher. The cahs and cash equivalent growth is also a sign of solid management through a staedy development plan. Got to love it.