RE:Two Huge Distributers Want Our Super Premium Buds Between these 2 giants we will be selling on basicly every shelf in Canada and Namaste has Exposure in the US . Wake up people this is huge . Sales to the West trifecta already has SUGR close to break even next Q . With these 2 huge deals the Q,S coming after that are going to be phenominal . Shock the market numbers bar none . The only problen I see is growing enough to satisfy demand lmao . Well the FCC loan will kick in to add to the non dilutive financing ( No mean feat in these Covid times ) and the expansion will occur and we will be growing even more kick azz buds to add even more fuel to Q,S Wowsa . Oh Namaste NR?? Add Vapes and 2.0 products WHATTTTTTT . IMO better grab what you can but hey you money , your call as info is all there . SUGR is a GASP emerging GASP PROFITABLE MJ company and how rare is that . Yup . Long SUGR .