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HPQ Silicon Inc V.HPQ

Alternate Symbol(s):  HPQFF

HPQ Silicon Inc. (HPQ) is a Canada-based technology company specializing in green engineering of silica and silicon-based materials. The Company is engaged in developing, with the support of technology partners PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PyroGenesis) and Novacium SAS, new green processes to make the critical materials needed to reach net zero emissions. Its activities are centered around the three pillars: becoming a green low-cost (Capex and Opex) manufacturer of Fumed Silica using the Fumed Silica Reactor, a proprietary technology owned by HPQ being developed for HPQ by PyroGenesis; becoming a producer of silicon-based anode materials for battery applications with the assistance of Novacium SAS, and Novacium SAS is engaged in developing a low carbon, chemical base on demand and high-pressure autonomous hydrogen production system. The Company operates in a single operating segment, segment, being the sector of the transformation of quartz into silicon materials and derivative products.

TSXV:HPQ - Post by User

Post by developbcon Feb 21, 2021 9:16pm
Post# 32623473

3D Capital Interview today w PYR thinks $100sp

3D Capital Interview today w PYR thinks $100sp Very bullish comments on Pyrogenesis today..Hpqsilicon mentioned posted below :



Sheldon Inwentash Thinks PyroGenesis Can Be $100 Stock


Good evening gang ... Fast forward to 23:50 in video below

From previous posts: 
Great to see PYR and HPQ mentioned more and more especially with extreme bullish sediments...for those w less time I time stamped it at 11:30 min mark.  Keep in mind folks...PUREVAP NANO NSiR is PYR engineering and tech.  Absolutely no disrespect to HPQ as I own it too but make no mistake...PYR is a monster in the making :) 

Key words gleaned regarding HPQ and PYR:
  • "Very under known and under rated company"
  • "We are talking about EV space and a technology thru materials that is extremely disruptive"  
  • "The potential with their new technology involving silicon in the battery market is...Mind boggling"
  • "Pyrogenesis partner that has solved the rocket science issues"
  • "Pyrgogenesis that has a track record this year which is phenomenal "
  • "Pyrogenesis has a track record that they can actually do rocket science"
  • "Together...the potential is just blue sky!"

Here was his interview few months back in September:

Wall St Reporter LiveChat: ThreeD Capital HPQ PYR mentioned

His comments are incredible:

  • "Like other sophisticated players we look for the potential 100 bagger"
  • "Value proposition here is BEYOND mind boggling"
  • "Developed technology that NO ONE has been able to before"
  • "VERY disruptive"
  • "VERY exciting technology"
  • "Lowest carbon footprint of any company"
  • "Ultimate renewable technology" 
  • "Game changers" 
  • "Rewards are substantial" 

For those who have less time maybe start watching at 39 min mark time stamped for you here in this link: LINK HERE LINK HERE

And here at about 54 min mark time stamped here:


Lot of bashers only want to focus on the negatives of Sheldon 3D Capital but keep in mind there are lots of rise and fall of very successful business guys out there.  I personally know several.  Sheldon still has a lot of postives and did decent DD and he knows people in circles we don't. 

Going to be sensational nonetheless!!!


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