715,100 Volume on ATSActually Nails, that 1.475 Million shares traded today was the TOTAL number of shares traded on the TSX and the Alternative Trading Systems ("ATS") combined. The Stockwatch display that you are referring to can be a little misleading/confusing, so I will offer a clarification for what it's worth. :-)
A closer look at your data shows that 789.1 thousand shares were traded on the TSX. The trade activity for each ATS operator is shown individually below that. In aggregate, therefore, one can see that 686.1k shares traded today on the ATS (i.e. 1,475,200 - 789,100 = 686,100), which is about 46.5% of the total trade activity.
As a footnote, it looks like the summary that you posted reflects data from prior to the close of the markets. There is a 15 minutes delay on Stockwatch, so that could explain it. The end of market data now shows 1.525 million shares in total, with 810k on the TSX and therefore 715.1k shares on the ATS (approx. 47% of all trade activity).
Cheers and GLTA!