Transparency...I have been involved in stocks for over 35 years and one of the biggest let-downs is usually transparency and mis-management...companies and products can be amazing and life changing...but mis-management will kill a THRM's case, I wish they would have been transparent in their last NR...don't get me wrong....I hold a krap load and so do my friends and family....but release what you want to release but 'acknowledge' what didn't happen as mentioned and expected....the 300 tests to be complated by end of Dec (which didn't) and the 100 tests to be completed by the end of Feb (which didn't)...have the logical fortitude and respect to admit that those didn't happen for reasons as we know now from this NR that the HC needs to approve these tests.
I am still very high on this company and product but I have even taught my own kids to be forthcoming and responsible to admit or acknowledge their errors and not pass them as if nothing happened and to apologize right away if 'wrong' or 'not as planned'...because of this, in THRM's case, according to the NR, we have now incurred a minimum delay of 3 months (end of Dec to now end of March) which was never addressed...this is why THRM took a krap kicking....shareholders were just not treated with respect and they showed it!!
Very disheartening to say the least and it has created an enormous 'doubt' to anyone who was on the fence with this investment, not to mention the wonderful playground they have created for shorters and day traders, but I hope the THRM crew recognizes their error and will be forthcoming and transparent in future releases...sorry for the long post but transparency and respect go a looooooong way!!
Still holding...still believing!!