Quick correction - i inserted 2 years for Osisko's - 24/million tonnes
When it should have been - 11 years.
Even less concentrate ores.
Barkerville in Wells B.C.
Cariboo Mine
24/million tonnes
11 year mine life
Slated for - 2024
Barkerville in Wells B.C.
Bonanza Ledge Mine - aside of Main Cariboo Mine
1.9 million tonnes
2 year minelife
Slated for 2022
Equipment Onsite in Wells....
Crusher - Ore seperator - Float concentrator
= reduces tonnage to a concentrate
= ships to Likely at their Q.R. Plant in Likely. 120 km away.
Onsite in Likely, B.C.
Current 1,000 tonne concentrator
Osisko wantsort upgreade this to - 4,000/tonnes per day
Osisko recently said thery'd like ot up it to 6,000/tonnes per day
24,000,000 tonnes (Cariboo Mine )
~ 11 years
= 2,181,818 - tonnes per year
x .035%
= 76,363
~ 365 days
= 209 - tonnes - concentrate per day
Their current 1,000 tonnes per day concentrator in Llikely
would easily handle thier 11 year larger Cariboo Mine concentrate ores.
And most certainly handle the two year Bonanza ore load
with lots to spare.
Which begs... why would they need ot upgrade their concentrator to 6,000/t per day ?
Just what sort of concentrate reduction can Osisko do to - 1 tonne of ore ?
I have to assume the 3.5% given they have ot ship it a good distance.
One would think they'd just move their Q.R. Mill onsite in, Wells... to service their
2 mines... But... they're not.
They're upgrading the Q.R. Plant which is very close to, Spanish Mountain.
Spec post of course.
Do your own DD.
Not investment advice.
Could these chess moves made by Osisko apply to - Spanish's deposit ?
Who knows.
Didn't Spanish say....
They want to be shovel ready by summer or there abouts ?.
I guess time will SOON tell...
Countdown has begun... March is the month for the PFS.
Bring on the report.