Not sure but it's a question that needs an answer. He paid a group of bashers to post lies with copied userhandles. I heard through different channels that Highrider2/Ragingbulls' many aliases are  part of that Moez group. Stockhouse has been made aware of it. 

KingJohn97 wrote:

We all know Anson Funds – the group run by the criminal Moez Kassam (

Well something we have just found out from a number of senior members within Anson itself is that they are under SEC investigation. They have been for some time as they received their first letter some time ago. But what has got them really spooked is the second letter that came from the SEC. This is apparently a BAD one. Wire Fraud, Insider Trading, possible money laundering – a host of issues the regulator has with them. And this is the SEC!

It was so scary that one of their senior employees in Anson Dallas, Ali Zamani – resigned. He knows a lot about their illegal activities in the United States and thought the risk of staying with Anson was just too high.

Now what I’m wondering is have their current unitholders been made aware of this? Have new investors been made aware of this investigation?

Anson Funds is falling apart with staff morale at an all time low. Moez Kassam hasn’t been in the office in 4 months now as he is afraid that he will be arrested on return to Canada, and the rest of the staff led by the escort lover Sunny Puri just aren’t up to the task and are berated daily by Moez (or whenever he can be bothered to call in). Now who runs a hedge fund during a volatile period in the markets and doesn’t show up to work?

No one. It might have something to do with the funds 20% realized loss they took in January. I don’t know but if I was a unitholder I would have a lot of questions for Moez and Anson, especially around the SEC. Moez has a leak problem within Anson. He has employees phones monitored and all of their activities checked and they all have the threat of $100 million lawsuits against them.

But Moez people do not thrive in an atmosphere of fear and threats. Resentment and anger builds and now many of your people have broken ranks – they are spilling the beans on your criminal enterprise. The SEC info was supposed to be only known by a tight group, but your people can’t help talking Moez. It’s because deep in their souls they know you for what you are, and they want the truth to get out. People are no longer scared of you. You have hurt hundreds of companies and thousands of people with your bullying, hit pieces, social media bashing and outright lies. You have cost thousands of jobs and stolen billions of Dollars from retail investors. The bill for your multitude of crimes is coming due very soon. And a light will be shone on the banks who have facilitated your criminal behavior (TD, RBC, CIBC and Scotia) – Scotia why do you never learn.

I think the next few months will be very revealing as the veil around Anson Funds is drawn back. Much more on this to come. I also wanted to add a note to Anson employees. This is the beginning of the end for criminal employers. You have a small window to go the authorities with what you know.

Forget the lawsuits Anson have threatened you with - they are nonsense. You have whistleblower protection. Use this.

If you won’t do it because it’s the right thing. Then do it to protect your asses.
This is a govt agency with will and real political juice. It will not be swept under the carpet like Moez is claiming and just because you aren’t running the show doesn’t mean the authorities won’t come after you with the full power of the law. Here is an archived version of the first report as well