RE:RE:RE:RE: CRUX interviews Klein and HooperBae FYi, all platforms in the U.S., list all the Venture and TSX in a U.S. and Canadian symbol and the Frankfurt and London Exchange can usually pop up the OTC symbol. Reuters, Yahoo, you name it, if it is listed on a stock market you can find it. I think the relatively low trading figures for CRE in the U.S. market is lack of exposure. No high flying Venture stock has low volume in the U.S. market if it bcomes known. Recent highflyers like LAC and PIedmont had huge volume. I have attended luncheons hosted in Los Angeles by VP's of Canadian mines who are out beating the bushes for new investors (that's how I originally bought into "First Gold") because the company needed funds and they had a PR man who knew how to round up potential investors in Los Angeles. Believe me there are unlimited investors that would be lined up to hear the CRE story in the U.S. if CRE management wanted to pay the price of the luncheon circuit.