Get ready for blockbuster news $$$
about the iron ore torch modelling from last year, with a large international corporation was for 10 + plants....@ 50 torches per plant at $3MM per torch by 11 plants (minimum) 550 torches equals $1.65 Billion dollars.....15 plants = 750 torches =@ $3MM = $ 2.250 Billion dollars...don't forget the cost could be $4MM per torch !.... Is this is why Peter acquired the new 31,600 Sq ft facility in Montreal and is hiring ......we're going to be making torches.....thousands of torches for years and for ever....with service contracts of Peter said , all convential torches are potential clients....there are easily 20,000 40,000 potential clients, plus the boring torches that are going to be needed are going to be in the thousands ....I'm sure a $1.65 Billion dollar (minimum) contract and the knowledge that this is just the 1st contract in a backlog of contracts, pretty much guarantees a $100 + a share by May 24th 2021....if these torches are 3D printed , you can add another $100 + per share....and $100 + per share for every couple of Billion $$ in contracts ....won't take too long to get to $1,000 a share once the other divisions add to the pie......uncleron is always right !..cheers