RE:RE:We're looking at the next Kirkland LakeI will take you to task on that one ProudItatianDW.
KL's Fosterville was mined for 10 years for a lousy million ounces.
In 5 years of mining the Swan zone they mined 3 million ounces on one of the one if not
the cheapest mining costs in the business.
They have to go very deep but at Queensway they are so shallow it is laughable and
will be drilling with pocket change a new cheap.
The speed of drilling and proving up will be a new record.
All indications are the Keats zone is going to make the Swan look very small and they
will have at least 2 zones proved up by the end of the summer. Swan I think took 2 years.
That is absolutely mind boggling.
Things move very slowly in mining NOW they are rewriting how fast things can happen.
Gold fever happens but if you don't figuire it out they will be mining a megamonster
before you can whip out the themometer.
The ones in the know ain't talking because if the stock stays low they do not care because
they will be selling gold at unbelievable low cost and have the money in the bank before
they grow old.
Why would you brag 100 years of mining? Most of the shareholders are long dead
You cannot collect dividends if you dead the last I heard so why say it?....IKE