James selling James did what was best for him and his family , yes part of that was being smart and also not being able to stomach the crazy swings which he stated and was honest about , also luck played a part . Along with conviction , mental strength and a lot of other factors that he and his wife felt at the time, He still has alot of shares but they are free and clear now .. If GSI goes to 2.50 then who wins and who looses nobody as long as you made profit evryone wants the 100 bagger . Maybe buy some lottery tickets ? This stock has done extremely well we sold 75% of our holdings at avg 1.16 does that make me smarter than anyone no! I dont think it does I'm not greedy by nature and I looked at it this way If someone told me give me 200k I will give you 200k back in 11 months, I mean who wouldn't do that? We forget that we are here to make more money than we started with ! I am happy with my job my life and my family . Make money enjoy your life and donate some of your profits. The stockmarket owes you nothing and will take evrything you have also if your not careful ! Evryone will be fine in the end we live in the best country in the world ! And Mike lives in the states a close second imo .lol Just kidding Mike ! We should be blessed for that! Good luck to all !!