One should never really worry about who is selling....And its fair to say, better to focus on the new buyers, right? Its month end and quarter end and a lot of peopel just adjust their portfolio, along with funds.
A few in the glue have said Palisades have been unloading on a number of deals they got into F/T $$. Sell the curency and keep the warrants, right ....
If you ever listened to Rick Rule, thats been his MO, so the funds et al that got into the last P/P are dumping here in advance of any results. Good news, is there are buyers, otherwise we'd be at .04. The poster that said its been far to long, I agree, they started drilling in September, then they blamed the driller, brought in a new group at Xmas and now its almost April. They have been sending the core to BC for a faster turn around.......hummm ( 7 months )
Core, well for the first $50,000 we got them to pull together a written presentation where OSK was mentioned more than DGO. We got a video, but at what cost over an above the $50,000.00 ( you can be sure that was over an above ) .....
J 103 "close-ology
"One of the more interesting terms I have heard from my friends in the local junior mining community is “close-ology.” Here’s the definition: if the junior company immediately adjacent to your property is purchased, your value goes up. If the purchase is by a large gold producer, your value goes way up. It was explained to me that this is how these things are valued prior to actually having discovered a sizable trough of a valuable mineral. The simple theory is that if there is gold right beside you, there’s a good chance gold is underneath you too. It is convenient and simple, although of course it doesn’t necessarily mean there are viable resources under your property."