RE:RE:RE:RE:Seeking Alpha Article on NFGmegacopper wrote:
lifegoeson wrote: Megacopper, NFG also got a great writeup over the weekend in the Chronicle Herald, Nova Scotia newspaper. Great to see the promotion broadening. No doubt, much attention is being brought to NFLD as having a world class deposit.
Yes I'm thinking that NFG management are putting the push on to achieve the $4 usd minimum to get the NYSE listing they so badly want to get the NFG story out to a larger investor audience south of the border where the big money is. That is why the promotion machine has been notched up the past few weeks to get the share price up. Just my opinion but it all makes sense because more and more articles about NFG are showing up in local newspapers and on the northern miner and other mining news writers are starting to follow NFG. That isn't by accident. I'm expecting another really good drill result and NYSE listing very soon along with a jump in share price.
Makes sense. Unfortunately, there are plenty of sellers willing to take advantage of the higher PPS. Need to get to that $5 CAD/ $4 USD level and hold.