Poor uncleron is down a $ million +
but I'm still a multi millionaire....still a ways ahead of the average investor who doesn't own a company with so many market disruptive technologies like Pyrogenesis... This doesn't sit too well with the market manipulators in NY.NY....this upstart Pyrogenesis is tightly held , the CEO controls 52+%, insider's and loyal investors refuse to share their shares with the NY Wall St cesspool....don't expect honest fair treatment....expect nothing nice until we get the news that will drive the shorters crazy....and more news that will solidify Pyrogenesis as a bona-fide blue chip company...the floodgates are ready to burst wide open any day....all smart investors know this...2021 is going to be another multi bagger like last year....a 10 bagger is the bare bones this year....a $400mm contract + a $2 billion contract + a boring contract +more drosrite contracts + The new 31,600 Sq ft plant that's going to house ?...our day is coming....uncleron is always right !..cheers