HAHAHAHA LMAO!!! TRULY A MORON. YOU'RE ALSO A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. My last post to this MORON - Promise. He's dumber than imagined.
YOUR (SCLARDA)WORDS.....Here we have another classic example of a Massive bagholder who buys in heavy years ago at much higher shareprices and then spends years monitoring a Stockhouse message board hourly posting endless bitter b.s. as if that will do anything for the shareprice. Your not that important dilweed.
My first post on AOT was December 14, 2020. Portions from that post....I wrote.....I've been away from these Boards for 7 or 8 years. Back in 2016 I was told to get into Ascot so I bought 30,000 shares at $2.25. Then in 2018 Bought more; 30,000 shares at $1.36. Then this summer I was convinced to average down because AOT would hit $2.50\share by the end of the year. (Ha-ha....funny-NOT) So I bought another 50,000 shares. THESE WERE BOUGHT JUNE 8TH AT .79 CENTS.
So I have 110,000 shares at an average of $1.34\share.
1.)This makes me a MASSIVE BAGHOLDER? LIE #1
2.)Who buys in heavy years ago at much higher shareprices and then spends years monitoring a Stockhouse message board hourly. LIE #2
(4 years went by and I didn't post once!!!!)
YOUR WORDS AGAIN: Personally i have found that the best time to buy into these types of stocks if the price is resonable is when the company is getting closer to production but the market has not noticed yet. That way most of the risk of executing the project has passed and the time to wait for production is a lot shorter.
Having personally been in the position of some AOT investors such as yourself holding shares in a junior miner for years waiting for things to happen as they try to construct a mine I know how frustrating it can be waiting as it seems to take forever for the mine to get built especially if you are underwater with your shares. Anybody remember Rubicon? Does Aurcana ring a bell? I have a few more that i would rather forget.
All together now.....You're a HYPOCRITE SCLARDA and A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.
I know you more than likely didn't finish grade 5, so I will help you as you try to push your Reputation number to 5,040.
Your not that important dilweed. It is you're ( not your ).
So I have $1.34 average and I'm blaming everyone else for my mistakes. LIE # 3.
Ascot never had plans originally to mine this. Their intention was to develop the property, then sell. I'm still not sure that they will mine this. I think they may well sell it. TIME will tell.
Finally SCLARDA you didn't answer 1 question put to you. To refresh your memory ( I mean lack there of)
SCLARDA: Seriously are you mentally ill? Or are you taking prescription medication that your mommy has to give you? Did you take more than you're supposed to today? Where in my post did I say I had to sell shares to buy gas? Finally where do I ever give advice?
Before you come back with more diatribe, answer the questions put to you. Please spare us all the lies especially how you're an expert when investing in juniors. (NOT)
Read this 15 times Sclarda and then reflect. Liar's are forever liar's.
As Wildhorse65 wrote.......Says the keyboard warrior from his Mommy's basement. How much of your CERB do you have in here? Still laughing at that.
Part 3
"So i have 110 000 shares at an average of $1.34/ share."
All of a sudden True Fools 110 000 shares that he was still underwater on awhile ago when AOT was at $1.63 have now magically a few months later gone down in cost to $1.34
I dont like calling people names but it seems True Fool is a big fat liar.
His own posts prove that his 110 000 AOT shares cost him around $1.65 or more. Now they sit at around half that price and his $190 k plus 110 000 share AOT investment is worth around 93k
Ouch!! No wonder the Buffoon is a little Salty these days. Massive bagholders often are. Of course it wasnt his fault. It was AOT managements, his "cuz" his cuzs broker, etc, etc.
The biggest surprise to me is how a Dumbo like him ever had that much money to begin with.
Somebody wrote a little verse about him along time ago.
"A True Fool and his money are soon parted."