OUCH - BASHERS GET READY TO CRY!@azur on the CEO.CA board cited an April 9, 2021 article which reports the results of various Steinert sorting tests. Gold contect increased substantially.
Sorting works. Mass greatly decreased (read less to process throughb the mill, lower hauling costs, etc.), and gold content GREATLY increased.
BASHERS: Prepare yourselves to cry. It might not be next week, but it WILL be epic, so stay on your meds. And we have a future Mensa Society president as Chairman and President of Novo.
MY FRIEND OLD FOX: You can rag on Tx and HH for making the wrong short-term decision all you want, but PLEASE increase your holdings in Novo, as you will be pleased in the long-term. And do continue exposing the folly of downright evil political leftists who desire to use Covid to destroy civilization as we know it. I'm starting to like you. As you were, sir.