Time for a turnaroundYesterday Monday April 10, 2021 was the highest volume of short sellers AMY has seen this year. over 500,000. This may have been the highest volume of shorts ever infesting AMY. Why because as soon as they saw we were acting like bottom feeders they wanted a piece of AMY because it is easy thing, a sure thing to make money our money off the table. Yesterday ABML was also being infested by shorts, but they turned and started doing their buying after 3:30 and by 4:00 they had raised the price over 0.06. It is just like Larry said you need to do your buying or selling at the end of day. Do not feed the bottom eater shorts. They might have over a million shorters out there today, so lets not feed them let them starve today. The shorters could be out numbering any legitimate buyers. We need to take them, lets do what ABML did yesterday and drive them out. Do not buy on the way down only buy on the way up. That is the way to make money. You will hear a lot of NA NA's about what I have written and if you do it is because they are scared that we are taking away the food through. Disregard and feel good because now you know that they are hurting. We can get this turned around.