Nothing has changedIMHO nothing has changed other then Venzee continues to move forward on it's business plan. I really don't think it's healthy to try to put a valuation on this Company on a day to day basis. Stop and look at the fundementals, for all intense and purposes Venzee has developed this tech that could be a huge game changer, it's not an idea anymore, it's not a case where there is a room full of techi's trying to write software and solve solutions to work out some bugs.
This Software as Service Company has aleady proven to very Large Company's like Bayer that their service is valuable to them and can sace them a lot of money by making sure all of the product information is delivered to the retailers in a very efficent accurate way.
This has already been accomplished over the last 3-4 years, the hard work has been done and now basically just since the 1st of 2021 Venzee has been growing their business by adding more and more mess connectors, Company's like Bayer,Home Depot, Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond just don't let any Tom Dicke and Harry through the door to disrupt their systems without doing a tremendous amout of DD to make sure Venzee can deliver. We can argue all day long about valuations but I think it's best to lool at it from a point of view of what Venzee could look like 1, 2 years out and IMHO Venzee will be a Game Changer. Once again Right Product or Service, Right time, and the right CEO to deliver. Just stop and think what has been done since John Abrams took over. Go back and re read all of the releases over the last year, Look at the recent Board appointment, Rome wasn't built in a day As long as they continue to add these mesh connectors the revenue will start to flow.