ResilienceHell yeah ive taken it on the chin...lott's of couldve/shouldve... Like everybody in the market ive made a few good call and missed a few opportunities all in all learned a lot and mostly breaking even... Knowleadge doesnt come for cheap. I work a real job and have many side interests unlike many dreamers and craptalkers on this board.I pity the ones that are blinded by exhuberant trust in the bussiness man and dispise even more the ones who cr@p all day on the that really part of your job? Isnt trading when your so knomledgeable of the market enough for your lambo's that you need a part time posting job to make 10k a year for gas?... Actually I take that back you dont have time for driving you have to stay on your computer to post ha ha .why do that?Make your money in the markets spend your time in research to find the pearl dont try to capitalyse/leach on other's money. You made some bad moves in your life and now your only options is a margin account and paying your bills with a posting account? If that is the case Dont be so sour with life and people, you are what you wish, project yourself wealth and happiness karma alway's finds a way... Die a happy man Wishing success to everyone