Spaced out!Hey spaceman,YOU need to go,and quick,are ya pissed ya sold your shares? Rosens the best thing that ever happened to 1933... finally have someone who knows how to turn this thing around ,he's only there less then a year cleaning up the mess that was left by the last bunch of cowboys,Well with ROSEN there it was likeMATT DILLON JUST ROAD INTO TOWN.everyone who has this long knows this is going to move guicker then you would ever imagine so spaceman hop on your ship and take a shot to Mars because that's where you sound like you belong.Beat it,we don't need your Negative bashin,take a hike somewhere clown,Excuse me you're not a clown you're not even funny you're ridiculous to make that kind of statement about one of the most professional businessman in the business do a little homework or maybe you're just looking for some attention you spaced out nutcase
Tired of hearing this b.s. I said it before I'll say it again it's( time) we just need a little time for him to put this back to gather and the pieces will all fall in place. You can buy some more for $.10 it's a steal,me and many others are all in on the stock, it's Vegas baby Vegas you're not invited to the party when she pops and we're all in Vegas celebrating with Paul and his crew at our big facility I can't wait might be a year or more or maybe less who knows,I KNOW! We will rise again.