Facts and Figures Answers & more questionsYERP (Year End Reporting Package) pg. 3-4 .
397,000 Barrels to Iquitos and ONP generate $12.4 M
Total Revenue was $17,374 M
Brazil Revenue $ 4.974 M
Divided by 106,000 Barrels $46.78 / Barrel
Isn't it interesting then that they mention that 225,000 barrels sold in Q1 21 generated
revenue of $8.8 M which equates to $39.11 / Barrel? This is especially concerning
as the crude price had climbed from $49.99 in December to $54.77 in January.
Operating income for Q4 was $5.9 M or $11.90 / Barrel.
Q4 20 average Brent price was $44.29
Q1 21 average Brent price was $60.82
This amounts to is $16.53 / Barrel better than the previous quarter.
Will we see the full $16.53 increase in operating income to $28.43/B ?
If so:
With average production of 7,300 B/D and total production 657,000 B. in Q1 21.
That would raise net operating income to $18,678,510.
Please check my figures.
As I have mentioned the 2nd sale to Brazil actually generated less
than it did on the first on per barrel basis. $39.11 vs. $46.78
even though Brent Crude prices rose nearly 10%