RE RE RE RE; Upcoming financials Respect your opinion 'Board Addict'', and you are very close in accuracy , however I agree with ''Ciao''.--Its ALL about wording, and while all of us will mis-step, a CEO must use wording ,somewhat like a politician ,''very confident,yet carefull. ------ Telling the world your transit contract is ,''in the bag,all but guaranteed,will quickly raise the attention of both Septa, and competitors in a very negative way . --Using the words,''we are very confident our products will meet the Septa requirements,is the terminology he should have said. ------- Onto ITSS,'' We created a VP position for the massive sales to follow ''. -- ---WOW ,pal, just tell the world you have a new accurate product,dont force the massive sales non-sense down thier throats . ------- I can see us at 1 billion market cap ?. Hold on buddy ,one step at a time, keep working on Q by Q growth ,dont get too frisky. It then becomes a pipe dream dismissed by all , and a definate negative . ----- Onto ''GAP UP guranteed soon . WOO,let the gap up occur ,when it occurs ,dont preach,it may or may not not happen. Why even metion non-sense like that at the CEO level . . My views.