This Will Be A Winner. Big Increase In Resource Size Coming I saw this article on, there are multiple points that stand out, from management, to the mine projection, to the exploration upside. I agree with Dough Hurst that the exploration upside is going to present a major win for shareholders.
“The best business model that we’ve found to generate value for shareholders is to find assets that everyone has forgotten about,” Hurst said, "Then apply some technical knowledge, risk management and capital markets discipline to generate value for investors.
“We’ve been able to step in just as the exploration potential is becoming apparent. Our plan is to enhance the value of the company through the drill rig. It's our premise that we’re going to do a lot more drilling, find a lot more ounces, and justify a much bigger operation in the years ahead,” Hurst added.
As we expand the resource from the current half million ounces at Moss to something substantially bigger, if you do the math, that half million ounces in a kilometre and a half of vein at Moss versus eight to ten kilometres outside that has never been drilled, with gold values on most of it, there’s a pretty good chance we’ll be able to justify a larger operation based on a much bigger gold resource.”
“Within a month or two we will be drilling that other eight kilometres of vein that sticks out of the ground.”