April 30th BC lumber price Very convincing prices.
At $1000+ i tought that these prices were unsustainable.One day, they will go down but i will say
it again, the big question is were will they stabilise on the down side?
Raymond James analyst Daryl Swetlihoff target on WFT is $145,CFP $46 and IFP $47.
The beauty is that his targets are based on long term spf 2x4 of $550, SYP of $550
and OSB of $400
Curently these price are spf 2x4 $1420, syp $1290 and OSB $1750
So prices could go down 61% for spf, 57% for syp and a whopping 77% for osb
for his targets to still be at these levels.
In the mean time lumber company are and will continu to make money like never before.
The comments of Canfor mngt tells me that they will not squander the wealth creation that
is happening right now.
Some Canfor investors must have been disappointed in the fact that no div. were announced or no acquisition or no special div.or No....
Canfor mngt said that they will consider a NCIB and are on the lookout for acquisition but at the right price.
They said that actual prices are to high and that they would rader build cash for when the
right opportunity becomes available(US south and Europe)
Has a long term shareholder, i could not be happier.I am hopping to hear the same message from
IFP and WFT.
The only thing i am hopping for is to see that IFP did buy some of there shares in April as they did in March.