My thought Ok I heard your voice. Thanks for reminding me about the NR :) but I was curious that Unique kitty saying, You think that chart NXO telling us was wrong? There obviously something behind market We couldn't see. Knowing now that there shorts moving the price in some degree. That was very useful info to understand the market. Nevertheless We know the market moves its own. It may goes up tomorrow or down or stays. You mever know But We hoping goes up tomorrow and What If goes down Would you sell them and walk away? We got to have hope. We may predict right or wrong but We are talking about future for IP. Eventually some point it will rise in my opinion If You truly believe in IP, the price goes up or down in short term it doesn't matter for You. You will add more shares when it goes down! We, Share holders make our own decision whether sell or hold or buy more.
By the way Geturdone as a shorts he wishes the S P goes down to dirt as.02 . Why do you think he didn't fill his share at .28 at last call , he said same thing calling at low .20s But didn't go down low enough that he still waiting for the second chance. He wants get it at .20. If he gets it thats good for him thats what he wishes for. So whatever You Wishes for that will happen to you. I call it "power of mind"!
but still wondering Are you praise him his prediction right? If I have short position i would easily say the price would go down but I m not. That s the difference. One wishes for low the other wishes for high!!
Tomorrow if we have great news like contract, the price will rise but if don't more likely stays or moves up by Shorts Or down just like today.
I was waiting for the NR for a long time. As I said IP needs a great contract to move up to the next level!!:)