RE:So Bossu, is it a surprise that shorts have increased?Everybody know the ALTAGAS seasonability:
Time and again we have seen that in many the Investors presentation,
before the answer I received from ALA:after the Petrogas acquisition :
Q 1 40 %---------»
39% Q2 20 %----------
»17 % Q3 10 %-----------
»14 %
Q4 30 %----------
«30 %
BUT from AlLA Investor relation the ration with Petrogas has change:
«Hi Paul,
Thank you for reaching out and for your support. The seasonality figures that we disclosed within our guidance presentation (
here) for EBITDA
included Petrogras contribution as well (Q1 ~39%; Q2 ~17%; Q3 ~14%; Q4: ~30%). Petrogas revenue in 2020 was $7,917MM which includes commodity purchases. For incremental details on this see page 99 within our financial statements (
here). I hope this answers your questions, if there is anything else do not hesitate to reach out.
AltaGas Investor Relations
So it might be time for you to stop your ''boring''comment about ALA seasonality.At the end of a year it is 100% EBITDA so no surprise .