Nio is down ten percent as we speak pre marketThey had record deliveries and numbers. According to ghosts charts Tilray is responsible for that as well. Tilray propped up the nasdaq as I said single handedly last Friday. We got brand power, future growth and a loyal following who will sit back and let it dip so they can buy it all up and the cycle continues. What happened Thursday last week and the Friday after? What always happens when wallstreet and corporate greed flood the airwaves and news articles with a couple days of negativity to shake out dumb retailers and then take their shares cheap. If you don't know the game by now then yes take ghosts charts as your guide that Tilray is causing us and every other tech, growth and pharma stick to sell off today. Ghost is right then Tilray is responsible for Covid 19, WW2, Iraq War, Vietnam. Tilray is responsible for Quebec separatists. Okay Ghost