Excellent Management firing on all cylinders... First loaded up the rig in March 2020 during the covid specials where people were basically throwing their shares to the wind. I caught most at .23-.27 price range it was a daily repeat for me.
I have only accumulated since then and I have told all friends and family about thisGEM of GENM. Of course not many knew about the company or the story.
Last big buy for me was at .84 when Jamie and I believe it was Drew that bought. Perfect buy signal. As Jamie recently bought again, that's a buy single for me. Just hoping to get Jamie's buy at 1.02$ that may be history.
For me this is a long term play, either way it's a win/win. Patience is key.
My daughter 23 asked me to invest her 10k last year in June. Well what do you think I put it in? I loaded up her scooter with GENM, she is up 247% she's hoping for a Porsche soon!