It's the "Golden Tickets" ...plural
not singular like our very conservative leader Peter said.. How many "Golden Tickets " is what you should understand when you buy Pyrogenesis...with the QRR reactor line-up of disruptive nano powders et cetera we are looking at a dozen markets..easy, big markets that are desperate for Pyrogenesis plasma technologies.....My recommendation has been the same for year's....BUY !... and you will prosper....many people listened to my pumping and today they are all Py"RON"aires ...charter members of the Pyrogenesis Millionaire's Club... The payback is coming for all those who bought @ a higher SP.....The next sales/leasing contract will snap the SP to $17 , more if it's Vale and their 16 plants and 800 + torches and a scorching hot $2.4 billion contract....first to the post has it's advantages, no point pu$$y footing around with 50 torches and even the playing field for your laggard competitor's....#2 & #3 clients agree ,,,ya snooze ya lose. Simple ! ...this is just 1 division in many billion dollar markets and a few Trillion dollar markets....tip of the you know why so many eyes are on the new Tesla, Pyrogenesis...Elon Musk heard about my crazy pumping and predictions then he told Cathie Wood & all her millions of followers , the stampede is underway and it's only going to grow with every NR this week with another before the end of May... and look out ! 12 divisions each earning $ billions should be worth $1,000+ a share...Standard & Poor here we come...another new industry is created for 21st century needs....and Pyrogenesis has the "Golden Tickets " with more coming...uncleron is always right !..cheers....