Good to hear from you, its been a while, where have you been?
Totally agree, good or bad we want to hear from the company.
No news is almost worse that bad news.
At least if the company is honest about things, I anyway don't care, stuff happens, things can go south that's life.
If the company does fail I still wouldn't blame them, its on me to invest here.
They seem to have tried very hard to do something very difficult, for that I commend them.
But this interminable limbo is killing us.
Say that there is a delay or an issue with the process that they are working on or whatever.
My problem with making everything secret is it can also be used as an excuse not to say anything.
Saying that they are 80% complete on the CPP doesn't give away any secrets but it does make investors feel like things are happening.
Like you I think that a balance is better than being too positive or negative.
My point with SJ/SP (and its not personal but playing devils advocate) is that there is a difference between posting lies as opposed to posting facts that are negative.
And you are right I blended the two as I was parsing the posts.
Ignore him or report him if he posts lies Stockhouse will remove the posts and will remove him from here
I agree 100% with SP, lies need to be challenged, no tolerance for lies and they should be removed.
But lies should also be exposed before removal so people will be educated.
No point in having someone read a lie, possibly believe it then it just disappears without anyone noticing.
Its like having a story written about you that is untrue and destroys your life and three weeks later they publish a one line retraction on page 47.
The lies here are never pointed out, just accusations.
Tell us what the lies are otherwise anyone can call anything a lie.
But people complaining that posts are too negative?
Not everything in life is positive.
It it was there would be no 6 oclock news.
But having an open BB moderated isn't the answer.
Who decides?
Everyone has a different opinion of positive, negative, too negative....
Its like Twitter and FB deciding conservative shouldn't have a voice.
So much for the 1st amendment.
I believe in this company and I am confident in that belief.
I have no problem reading 'negative' posts.
I'm actually glad there is an opposing viewpoint here.
I do wonder why someone with a very negative viewpoint posts here but I wonder about alot of things.
I also wonder why someone with a super positive position posts here.
I do know from many years of experience that neither has an appreciable impact for any length of time on the stock price, one reason posts don't bother me.
What the company actually does is what will move the price not people opinions here.
Years ago you gave me a hard time for being critical.
And I was.
My purpose there was to see if that would get someone upset enough to come out from lurking that had some inside info.
And if you recall, it worked.
But that in itself tells alot, that was years ago and at the time we all though we were close.
Well, here we are today, still not knowing much more than we did then.
I enjoy reading the posts here and hopefully adding some interest or entertainment while we wait but really what is said here is just that, opinions.
I do thank SJ and SP for their contributions but as the saying goes, doveryay, no proveryay.
Good to have you back Gemini.
Anyway I am expecting news this week, probably tomorrow or Wednesday or next week so I hope that will silence a few
Fingers crossed SP!